+263 65 232 1815

[email protected]

57A The Green

Marondera, Zimbabwe

Mon - Sat: 08:00 am - 16:30 pm

Sunday: 08:00 am - 12:30pm

Our Services

Industrial Development

Marondera and its rich agricultural hinder land fall within an intensive farming region. The substantial commercial mixed farming belt produces mainly beef, milk, maize, tobacco, wheat, vegetables timber and fruit.

C.B D & Its Environment

Our C.B.D is a hive of commercial activities. All major Banks, Building Societies and Insurance companies are found in Marondera. All government ministries are represented at Provincial Level..

Investment Opportunities

Marondera capitalizes on its strategic geographical position and its proximity to Harare and the decentralization of industry from Harare. Trade between our town and its hinder land has provided an enabling framework for expansion.

For The Investors Opportunities Include:

  • Water treatment plant expansion
  • Hotel and conference facilities
  • Housing/high rise buildings
  • Meat and Food Processing and Canning, Timber Processing &Furniture Manufacturing Warehouses and Transportation, Horticulture, Textiles and Clothing, Leather and Footwear, Printing Packaging, Agricultural Services, Hotel and Conference Facilities & Tourism, Commercial and Residential Investments, Research and Training, General Light Engineering, High Technological Industries and Pharmaceuticals.

Quality of Life

Marondera offers relaxed quality of life much suited for the executive. Marondera stands at an altitude of 1670 meters above sea level and enjoys the finest climate in Zimbabwe. Marondera is well watered by summer rains, with maximum temperatures below 30°C and cool winters. The town is surrounded by a beautiful countryside with rolling hills, kopjes and copper colored Msasa trees in autumn. This environment is conducive to a positive working and relaxing climate.

Health Facilities

Marondera Boasts of primary health care clinics, a provincial private hospital as well as a modern old people`s home. Numerous private practitioners and pharmacies compliment the health care establishment.

Some of the places of interest in Marondera include:

Gosho Park – see wildlife on foot
Tsindi Ruins – early stone structures
MhakweCave -for prehistoric art
Bernard Mzeki Shrine – the first black martyr
Imire Game Park – see different species of wildlife.

Our creative team

Creative Thinking For Marondera

Rinashe Nyamuzihwa

Town Clerk

John Kachingwe

Finance Director

Itayi Mashonganyika

Acting Director of Works

Tonderai Paraiwa

Acting Director of Housing and community Services

Thomas Ndoro

Acting Chamber Secretary

We are a clean city

Marondera Municipality focuses on keeping a clean and healthy environment focusing on industrial growth and community development

Marondera Municipality

Marondera is proud of its ability to cater for spiritual needs of its diverse community. Christians and other religions have freedom of worship, making Marondera a peace loving community.

Telephone: (+263)(0279) 21809, 21816 or 24941/2
Toll Free: 08004391

E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]